
Continuing education in summer
According to Rodion Pedia, summer education is an enjoyable and exciting experience, which usually takes place outdoors. Students don’t need to ’listen’ to learn; they see, touch and smell. They will sit on the same rocks as the great minds of ancient times and walk on the same roads as the medieval knights did. Every corner of Rhodes hides an exciting tale, providing the enquiring visitor with unique life experiences.

Nurturing social skills and teamwork
The Rhodes Camp programme brings young people, usually from different cultures, social and political backgrounds all over the world, into contact. For one week, everyone becomes a team, learning to enrich their character by seeing things from a different point of view, taking responsibility as project leaders, coordinating the actions of others, leading and being led, through a variety of roles.

Developing artistic, sporting, problem-solving and adventure skills
The activities at Rhodes Camp are designed in such a way as to cultivate the many facets of a young person’s personality. The natural environment of Rhodes, where mountain meets sea, rich in flora and fauna, and unique sites, such as the Valley of the Butterflies, offers the opportunity for environmental education, activating skills needed to solve ‘unexpected’ problems (skilfully created by Rhodes Camp in the form of management games), and including strategy, judgement, observation, composition and analysis of information, in a creative and pioneering way.

Unplugging and built friendships
Experience has shown that through such programmes, long-lasting friendships are built. Rhodes Camp develops such friendships, creating an online meeting point-‘Rhodes Campers’-where old and new campers can exchange experiences, memories and be informed about new programmes.

Enhancing resilience, self confidence and personal growth
Participation in Rhodes Camp offers a concentrated experience. Participating students will have ‘material’ which they will continue to process for a long time after the camp. The week will play a crucial role in developing their personalities.

Learning the values of leadership
Leadership will be developed- as part of a team, and as part of the world and ideas. Students will come to understand the factors which led the ancient Greeks to start thinking differently from the rest of the world, naming the individual as the centre of their philosophy, and rationalism as a tool with which to study the world. Students will be called upon to apply the same principles in ‘simulation games’, thus realising, with surprise, how easy it is for us all to become trapped in stereotypes. At the same time, they will exercise their leadership skills in a demanding environment in a continuous role play, which will pique their attention and improve their capabilities.

Experiencing Greek hospitality
Experienced travellers know to look behind the window of the cliché of tourism, searching for authenticity. Rhodes Camp has developed the perfect framework, so that the contact the young people have with Greek culture will be immediate, on all levels: accommodation is with specially chosen host families on Rhodes, guaranteeing additional comfort and security. Contact with the natural environment takes place through visits to places of natural beauty and well-known beaches, as well as to ‘hidden paradises’, known only to locals.